
What To Expect From Wisdom Teeth Extractions :

Many times wisdom teeth need to be removed .
One of the usual reasons is lack of enough room leading to recurrent episodes of pain , swelling and infection in the gum areas around the wisdom tooth/ teeth.
  • you will most likely need an x ray or even a 3 D scan of your jaws for the dental professional to know the orientation, size , number of roots of the wisdom teeth and how close they are to sensitive structures like sinuses on the upper jaw and nerve trunk on the lower jaw.
  • Examining your mouth and checking your x rays I am likely to recommend the following :
1- that there is enough room for your wisdom tooth/ teeth to come through naturally with minimal discomfort.
2-that the wisdom tooth or teeth need to be removed , that may be accomplished at the practice in the dental chair using local anaesthetic only or it may be better to see a specialist oral surgeon and have the extraction under the effects of general Anaesthetic, that may be helpful if the extraction is expected to be difficult or if you psychologically would rather be asleep for an extraction and not have to deal with seeing the extraction equipment, the noises of expanding bone etc..
3- in some situations leaving the wisdom teeth without removal can be the safest option.

How difficult is to have a wisdom tooth removed ???

Wisdom teeth removal different extremely in terms of difficulty based on factors like :
The age of the patient ( younger easier than older ), tooth position , and the presence of medical issues
So I will tell you what degree of difficulty this extraction is likely to be and times times needed for healing.
This may affect when you can get treatment ( for example after you are done with an important exam etc ), allow you to take time off work or arrange to have someone to come help with the kids and so on .
Most common complications:
1 Pain : you will be prescribed pain killers , in most situations alternating every 5 hours between 1 gram paracetamol then 400 mg ibuprofen and so on.
2- swelling: swelling usually increases in the first 2 days then slowly decreases .
3- bleeding : in most cases bleeding after dental extraction is minimal , pressure packs are usually enough, sometimes the socket where the tooth was would be packed and/ or sutures would be placed .
4- the dreaded ( Dry socket):
Dry socket is a painful situation related to the lack of formation of a proper blood clot leading to exposed bone and nerve endings that may happen about 5 days after a tooth is removed and may last for another 10 days .
The main thing to remember is that although painful a dry socket is a healing socket.
If this happens we will be able to place a dressing to sooth this pain and help healing.

Before your extraction appointment:

If you have a planned appointment you need to remember that a cleaner mouth would heal faster , brushing and flossing is necessary.
We also would like to see you using Savocol mouthwash 2-3 times /day for the five days before the extraction.
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